Save to say for the spiders and other similar creatures that set
up decoys etc. to catch their prays to feed, the action of “running” has
somewhat a hesitant meaning / purpose for all creatures that live in the wild
world: to hunt or to avoid becoming a pray. One and only rule to stay alive,
with regards to feeding for the ones who do not know how to use tools, and with
regards to staying alive for the ones who do not have a chance to hide away, is
to run! Ironically, the said act of ‘running’ was (is) very much the same thing
when it comes to human beings, too; with similar resulting effects, when
considered in connection with the times during which no technology is produced
(or in terms of today not possessed / used).
Like all living creatures, the brain of primitive (or modern) man,
which is furnished / equipped with the ability of “being aware of his
environment”, not only learns through his trials and experiments that his
not-so-sufficiently-quick, weak legs are bound to lose each and every single
race run, but he also comprehends that just hiding himself away without doing
nothing extra (or unable to the anything at all) shall inevitably pave way for
the paradox of “dying of hunger”. Human being, realizing that he is neither
able to imitate the ones who are stronger and faster then himself nor could he
ever manage to match up to their speeds –except for a very short while
perhaps-, then realizes that he must be or become “different” and thus starts
the process of innovation that would last beyond his own eternity; he makes
tools and hunts by using / utilizing these tools.
Designing (/ innovation) is an act of reaction –whose sole purpose
is ‘to exist / to remain existing’ that is valid even for today- that is solely
geared at ‘creating the difference’; it is a subconscious resistance, a facet
circle, displayed by human being against humanity’s natural paradox (/
lameness) that would never end: every difference is in fact the underlying
condition for the next one. However, for the human being, who has been falling
short (and even shorter and shorter) on the natural happiness that is brought
about by the existence as a result of each and every difference, it is so expected
that each and every design which is aimed with a view of fighting for existence
/ to remain existing (?), must either possess within itself or along with it /
outside it an other difference that would bring about the happiness and (even
specific to persona) a pleasure providing quality, or locked into the purpose
of brining about a mere happiness and hence solely produced to serve that
purpose. And, right at this point, there comes the excessive state of the act
of design; the design (with its action, designers and product) goes into such a
process that in turn results in a relatively simple but nevertheless (its)
complex (ity has been resolved through and by the aid of well advanced computer
software) process that feeds itself each and every time, and that is solely
specific (but still an industrial) to itself (product) and to its designer
(customer) and only competing with itself. In that excessive stage of the
design, there are two designers who are tied to / dependent upon one another
and who are transformable to each other: Stylist who is in the position of
being the real owner (and creates the product in a form / style … he/she wishes
along with his/her order) of the product (customer / user/ end user) and, a
professionally educated designer of an industrial products who prepares that
product in an industrial manner (but specific to person; the stylist). Without
a doubt, if should the said product (not at all simple) may possess a quality
that transforms the energy, then the production stage / planning is brought
into life (into existence) by a (generally) mechatronics (or by a simpler
engineering) team which includes the designer of industrial products, and in such an implementation /
application (not necessarily implemented throughout the initial stages though),
a stylist can only manage to implement his/her own style / form (only
partially) on the product only after a certain stage. For example, in a simple
product that has no connection with the energy, though a stylist (the end user
in other words) may have a chance to define the actual form (of the product) as
a whole when he/she requires a pair of glasses that would fit into the
structure of his/her nose bone be produced, he/she cannot have a similar chance
when it comes to a compound product like a cell phone that is able to transform
the energy. Nevertheless, the hopes, for the next few decades, have still been
built upon an ideal where all types of people (people that are born / created
with a natural ability to design) for all types of products, may individually
act as a stylist for himself/herself by participating in the stages of design
starting from the very first / initial stage.
Human being, despite having managed to resolve the contradiction
of running (/to get caught) or hiding away (/to die of hunger) that is imposed
upon all living creatures by the nature and superseded all his competitors who
are much stronger then him in physical terms, still seems unable to set himself
free from his existential paradox: he starts his struggle against the other
human beings; against the ones who are different than him (his rivals) in order
to remain alive. But there are no winners in this race of superiority; human
being cannot win over human being –and himself / his fate-. Plastic and other
chemical waste that mix into the food chain, ever growing hole in the ozone
layer as a direct result of air contamination, irrational waste of water
resources through artesian wells… now, the human being, with all the precious
resources that he mindlessly wasted while making / implementing his plans made
for the purposes of individual or collective goals, has been destroying the
nature; the habitat that made us what we are today. And in consideration of the
foregoing, the human being is now paying the price by becoming a stranger to
himself which has been manifesting itself in forms of various physical
illnesses, such as; obesity, bad cholesterol, heart and coronary diseases etc.
brought about by fast and manmade / fatty diet or, mental illnesses like
insomnia and depression. Despite being more vulnerable than even the most basic
creatures in sheer physical terms, the aforementioned process of becoming a
stranger, which in fact manifests itself in a manner as arrogant as to hold
running competitions at sports fields or swimming competitions at swimming
pools, has now reached such extend that even an action, as basic as the
running, is nowadays executed upon electrically operated running bands (at home
or at sports halls, as individuals) at a cost of making mockery of the very
nature that human being has evolved from!
I’m afraid that dissatisfaction / unhappiness / searches of human
being shall still be going on in future / well into the future… even at times
when every single human being (having being born / created / equipped as a
designer) would have already become his/her own stylist in industry. However,
looking ahead from where we are now, it is undoubtedly obvious that being
and/or becoming a designer of industrial products is the most attractive and
satisfactory profession for the future to come.
Bu makale Artvisit Katalogu Aralık 2006 sayısında yayınlanmıştır
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Endüstriyel Tasarımcı / Trend Danışmanı
Uygulamalı Fütürist (Applied Futurist)
Uygulamalı Fütürist (Applied Futurist)
Sayfa güncelleme tarihi : 10.01.2016
Sayfa güncelleme tarihi : 10.01.2016